Collection: Sea // Sær
SEA – A unisex jewelry collection by orrifinn
By ocean we are surrounded. This force of nature enchants but frightens us with its power to give and take, as tiny drops form waves that create an immense world. In these depths true magic awakes, secrets are hidden and wonders take place. A pearl is formed in a shell, and finds its way onto a chain around a neck. This gemstone of the ocean is the true treasure of the deep, a seaborn queen. Girl with a Pearl Earring placed the pearl at the heart of a masterpiece, and its poetic beauty lives on in our memories.
Let the queen of the underseas enchant you
SÆR – Orrifinn Skartgripalína fyrir karla og konur
Hafið umlykur okkur öll. Sjórinn, undirdjúpin, þetta kraftmikla náttúruafl heillar okkur og hræðir í senn. Við berum óttablandna virðingu fyrir hafinu og krafti þess sem gefur og tekur. Mjúkur og ávalur dropi sem er saklaus í smæð sinni myndar öldu sem með stærð sinni og krafti skapar heilan heim. Galdrar felast í undirdjúpunum þar sem leyndarmálin leynast og furðuverkin verða til. Perla úr skel ratar í keðju um háls, hún er fjársjóður undirdjúpanna, sæborin drottning. Sagan sýnir perluna í stóru hlutverki í verkum meistaranna, Stúlka með perlueyrnalokk greipist í minni okkar með sinni ljóðrænu fegurð.
Leyfðu göldrum sædrottningarinnar að fanga þig
Sea necklace - with big white pearl & bronze drop
Regular price 27.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earring - silver hoop with big white pearl
Regular price 13.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea bracelet - with gray pearls and silver & bronze drops
Regular price 28.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea necklace - double with small pearls and drops
Regular price 34.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea necklace - short with white pearls and silver drops
Regular price 37.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea necklace - long with gray pearls
Regular price 33.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earrings - big silver hoops with pearls
Regular price 19.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earring - gold hoop with big black pearl
Regular price 23.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earrings - small silver hoops w pearls
Regular price 14.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earrings - silver studs w pearls
Regular price 14.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea ring - Gold ring with pearls
Regular price 38.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earrings - big bronze hoops with pearls
Regular price 17.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earrings - small gold hoops w pearls
Regular price 30.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea ring - Silver ring with pearls
Regular price 19.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea necklace - long with big white pearl
Regular price 29.500 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Sea earrings - gold studs w pearls
Regular price 28.900 ISKRegular priceUnit price / per